
CloudHost Technology


Streamline Multi- and Hybrid-Cloud Management with Blaze Cloud

Streamline Multi- and Hybrid-Cloud Management with Blaze Cloud Streamline Multi- and Hybrid-Cloud Management with Blaze Cloud Managing distributed IT in hybrid and multi-cloud environments can be complex, but Blaze Cloud simplifies it. With Blaze Cloud, you can seamlessly manage your IT resources through a single pane, complete with in-built cloud

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Hybrid Infrastructure Management

With the rise of hybrid infrastructures, Zerto’s solution stands out by supporting replication between and within sites for various platforms. This ensures consistent data management across diverse environments.

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Logistics and Warehousing

With the rise of e-commerce and global trade, efficient inventory management is crucial. AppLite’s real-time data access ensures optimal inventory management, reducing overheads, and ensuring timely deliveries.

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Centralize Data Storage and Processing

Centralize Data Storage and Processing Centralize Data Storage and Processing In today’s data-driven world, centralizing data storage and processing is not just a choice; it’s a necessity. As businesses grow and data sources multiply, managing information efficiently becomes paramount. Organizations that fail to leverage their operational, IT, and business data

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Virtual Data Centers with InstaCloud

Virtual Data Centers with InstaCloud Virtual Data Centers with InstaCloud With market demands and trends evolving at breakneck speeds, businesses need enhanced adaptability to meet customer, revenue, and innovation expectations. Virtual data centers optimized for organizational needs provide an effective solution for businesses to stay on top of changing industry

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Develop and Test at Scale with InstaCloud

Develop and Test at Scale with InstaCloud Develop and Test at Scale with InstaCloud Intense competition and fast-evolving technologies have made it essential for businesses to develop and test at scale to stay relevant and thrive in today’s markets. InstaCloud provides a secure and scalable IaaS platform to empower organizations

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E-commerce Platforms

In the dynamic world of e-commerce, securing transaction data is of utmost importance. Veeam, enhanced by Cloudhost DataLife, ensures that e-commerce platforms can securely store vast amounts of transactional data, providing rapid recovery solutions during peak sales or unexpected downtimes.

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Healthcare Institutions

The healthcare sector deals with sensitive patient data on a daily basis. Veeam, bolstered by Cloudhost DataLife, ensures that patient records, medical histories, and other critical data are stored with the highest level of integrity and security.

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Financial Services

Financial institutions manage vast amounts of sensitive financial data. Veeam’s advanced data protection solutions, powered by Cloudhost DataLife, ensure that this data is safeguarded against threats, ensuring uninterrupted service delivery and fostering customer trust.

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Educational Institutions

With the rise of digital learning, educational institutions handle vast amounts of student, faculty, and administrative data. Veeam, in conjunction with Cloudhost DataLife, ensures this data is protected, facilitating efficient remote learning models and secure online examinations.

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